"Creativity takes Courage"
A place to post some of my fav digital art pieces and animations!
(I also do a LOT of Madness Combat fan art so... ._.)

Somewhere not Nevada

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StitchMiss's News

Posted by StitchMiss - 3 days ago


So as mentioned in between many of my art posts, I have been very busy behind-the-scenes on various projects, both for WAY in the future, and for when they are eventually finished so I can just post them already.


  • Doing some sculpts and cross stitch pieces for a big shadow box project I have underway, as mentioned in my last post in December. Given merchandise of any kind is so unobtainable where I am, I've just decided to try and make my own, especially for indie projects that may not have much to begin with, so I can hang them and show em off! ^-^

I will do a full entry/promo/something big and significant XD discussing that when I actually get the dang boxes,

hopefully sometime after May, but the bits and pieces for these boxes are slowly and steadily being made and

worked on, to eventually be placed into said boxes.

  • Also working on a Sculpt for Madness Day, as well as drafting some ideas for an animation or epic comic for the occasion.
  • I have an old, pretty terrible Don't Starve comic that I've been working to resurrect. It's about 10-pages, and I am hoping to finish that soon.
  • I also have begun work on a MASSIVE image, as well as collection of additional doodles, in build-up to NG's 30th birthday (and probably Pico Day before that). Requires a lot of research into characters and series for the main post, and then for some doodles of series I've enjoyed in particular, done in my own style. I'd also love to do some fan art in celebration of the documentary being funded ^o^

So yeah...been busy in between regular work and just not-entirely-great health. I just want to get everything done so I can share it all, but that's just my impatience talking XD

Otherwise, hope you are all doing well! ^-^ Will try and post more WIPs of these various projects soon!



Posted by StitchMiss - December 26th, 2024

Merry Festiveness to Everyone! Hope you are all having an amazing Holiday, whether you are celebrating Christmas with friends, family or spoiling yourself and furbabies! Just make the most of it and have an amazing last few days of 2024! ^-^

To celebrate the holidays, I held a wonderful Madness-themed collab/request, which you can check out here :D Thank you to everyone who participated, it was wonderful drawing all your OCs!

As mentioned in said post, I am still working through the holidays, but got a day or two off in between to at least sleep, eat and then pass out and sleep some more after eating too much XD

It's also given me a chance to work on a few of the epic projects I have planned for the new year! :D

Definitely going to be doing more digital pieces (been doing loads of TBOI and MadCom works these last few weeks after work). But I have also returned to some of my traditional routes, and looking at combining my sculpting, cross stitching, sewing and more into MASSIVE display pieces, in the form of Shadow Boxes o.o


I've done a few of these in the past, but I want to make more elaborate, detail focused ones to celebrate franchises and fandoms close to my heart. Some may end up going up for sale. Others will be for my own collection. We shall see how it all goes. I shall post my progress on here, AND, if I can, maybe even do an epic video that shows the whole process of making one of these display cases.

So, many exiting things planned for 2025. If my health can keep up, I hope to accomplish much in the new year :D

Will post more updates and art soon. Hope you all are doing well!

*EDIT: Oh Yes! XD The title of my update!

I made S'mores for the first time yesterday. They were unbelievably sweet but delicious! 11/10 Will make again XD



Posted by StitchMiss - November 18th, 2024

Man, I wrote this out, had it ready to post, tried opening a tab and closing it...closed the post instead without anything saving x_x


Hello all! Hope you are doing well!

Sorry I haven't had much updates on my side. This month has been a long and challenging one. But I do hope to post a proper art update and rundown either at the end of the month/beginning of December.

Just wanted to pop by to remind everyone of the Christmas event I am hosting: THE MERRY MADNESS XMAS (OC Request Collab)!


You can find all the details for it over here:


The deadline is on the 30th November! So if you haven't submitted your OC reference yet and would still like to, there is still some time left! ^-^ I want to try and get all entries in as soon as possible, so I can begin work on the final piece in time for Christmas week!

Also on a completely unrelated note, does anyone have any recommendations of pixel art including Hank, Doc, Deimose and Sanford? o.o I've been looking around and have seen a few good examples, but was wondering if anyone could recommend pieces I haven't come across yet ^-^

Otherwise, hope you have a great day.

More art and updates coming soon!



Posted by StitchMiss - October 18th, 2024

I have to start off by saying I did not think I would reach this number XD Not to mentioned having been followed back by some truly extraordinarily amazingly talented artists as well! x_x Thank you. Thank you so much for the support! It really makes me so happy knowing people enjoy my efforts, my doodles, my work and passion.

I shall continue to try my best and post more works for people to enjoy! ^-^

BUT! I cannot pass by such an amazing milestone without a lil bit of celebration :D

I had this idea cooking up already, and only planned on posting on it towards the beginning of November, but given the occasion, I shall unveil it now! \(^o^)/

Presenting: THE MERRY MADNESS XMAS (OC Request Collab)!


A Christmas-scene, Madness-themed Project, where you can request for your Madness OC to be added to the Chaos!

You can find out all the details here on how to join! ^o^


Thanks again everyone for all the support! Have an amazing Spooky Season! I shall return with more updates in November, and continue posting crazy doodles and artworks until then! :)



Posted by StitchMiss - October 4th, 2024

Whoooo Spooky month is here. I have begun the festivities already with a few horror-themed posts, including a collection of what were going to be postcards featuring some classic horror movie characters (which was Frontpaged, thank you so much! ToT)

I absolutely love the horror genre, from games to films to analog horror series to more games! So I have a few themed posts in the works that I should hopefully be able to submit during the month.

BUT! What I really hope to get posted in one of my comics - a Fan-Comic I did for FNaF! I worked ultra super hard on it, it's in heckin' color, and I will make the full thing available to read on here, with .PDF copy available on my Ko-Fi, in case anyone wants it ^-^

When all this stuff will be posted, I have no clue XD I just make it up as I go along.

In MADNESS related news, a huge congratulations to all the winners from Madness Day! \(^o^)/ The amount of talent on display was insane, and I can only imagine the tough time the judges had deciding who would get top spot!

I am so chuffed I was able to participate and enjoy the celebrations both on here and while watching the livestream. It has certainly inspired me, and I have begun work drafting some new pieces to work on for the next few weeks in between everything else.

I also have been plotting something Madness-related for Christmas... >.> It'll be a massive project if I manage to get myself organized before the start of November, but I think it'll be something the community may enjoy participating in! ^-^

Anyways, that's all I have for now XD Thank you to all my new followers, for people who continue to enjoy my arties, and I shall check in again when I have anything new to report.



Posted by StitchMiss - September 22nd, 2024

Firstly... HAPPY MADNESS DAY!!! :D

Even if it's like a few minutes after midnight XD Working night shift this weekend, so getting stuff posted while I'm still semi-alive. Will definitely try and be up in time for the stream! I am so excited to see all the entries this year! ^o^ The WIP posts have already shown there are going to be some pretty darn epic things in store for MD24! :O

PLUS MC12 will be out on the 23rd (Cheshyre has already released the OST if you haven't checked it out yet!)

So lots to enjoy and celebrate these next few days heh.

Anyone who has been following me knows I went for a fully Madness Week on my page, posting a bunch of Madness-related things in the lead up to my entries for MD24. Been waiting two years to finally participate in Madness Day, so had a lot of catching up to do and figured I'd share some of my favorite works for the fandom.

This all ended up including...


This one can be found of YouTube. Due to copyright music, I was unable to post it on here, but still had loads of fun making it, and wanted to share.


This one is for the official Madness Day celebration XD My first posted animation to Newgrounds. Hopefully not my last!


Part One of my Madness Combat Fan Fiction series: COMPARTMENTALIZATION. You can enjoy the short story novel, with illustrations in between, on Ko-Fi today, for FREE! I am hoping to post the next part towards the end of the year; I just need to get to work fixing the grammar on that one XD


If you enjoy the series/have questions/wanna leave a review, please do so, either here in the dedicated playlist, or on my Ko-Fi or wherever! ^-^ Any feedback helps a lot!


As mentioned...been waiting two years...so lots of fan art to catch up on XD Hence the title suggesting I overdid it a tad.

Ah well, it was really cool to share some of my absolute favorite pieces with you all. And to even end up redrawing what would have been my Madness Day entry for 2022 (you can learn more from the description on the piece).

Aaaand my actual entry!

Dunno what I'll have planned for next year (maybe a Madness-themed month, or perhaps a big collab project!)

For now, though - I just wanna say a huge thank you to everyone for their support. For those who have suggested my art for the Frontpage, those who have followed me, those who have commented on any of my works! It really has been awesome being able to return to the art world, and share in this amazing fandom, and others.

And a MASSIVE thanks to Krinkels and Cheshyre for all their contributions to the Madness Universe. It has brought together so many amazing artists, musicians, animators and even game makers! And just fans who enjoy some good old fashioned madness.

Some day (when I am less tired and not working XD), I will go into how I got into the Madness Fandom (funnily enough, it's related to health, of all things) It has, and continues, to help me through some particularly difficult times so.


BUT, for now...

Have a Great Day

A Great MADNESS Day.

And I shall see ya all soon XD



Posted by StitchMiss - September 14th, 2024

Hey! Today is actually the middle of September. Neat XD

So kept promising an update in a few posts during the week. Here we go heh. I would have gotten to it sooner, but...yeah. This week was just one of those weeks. You know the ones. Where you just keep getting kicked back down when you're trying to get back up. How inconsiderate, life.


Here are some things I've been finishing up for Madness Day/Week next week. I still haven't really figured out the schedule of things and when I will post what. Gonna just wing it at this rate, I think XD Whenever it's all done.


Due to copyright music, this one will have to posted on YouTube x_x But I'm thinking I'll post the thumbnail on here, with a link for those who would like to check it out ^-^


This one (I HOPE) has non-copyrighted music, so should be all good. Fingers crossed it can make it on here with no issues XD


(Fun fact XD I added this lil Hank at the end with the credits...and I am convinced he took more effort to animate than the main section gah)


Still finishing editing this one, grammar wise XD And then deciding how to publish it. As mentioned in the previous update, I'm thinking of posting it as a PDF, available to 'purchase' for free on my Ko-Fi, with the option to donate if you like it enough, but still not sure on that idea. If you have any suggestions, please lemme know ^-^



Yeah, don't have anything prepared for here yet XD Dunno which ones I'd like to post for the day. Got a lot of options, and one definite one, so...that can just be a surprise.

So there we have it!

Excited to see what amazingly epic pieces will be submitted this year! :D What are you expecting, or looking forward to the most?



Posted by StitchMiss - September 4th, 2024

I cannot believe Madness Month...IS HERE! D:

And that I can finally do some stuffies for Madness Day itself. It has been mentioned on a few of my other socials, but I took...gosh, like a five or so break from posting any and all kinds of art online. I still kept making and improving on my art, learning new mediums and styles, and eventually returned this year when I felt ready to return!

But in 2022, I did make a piece for Madness Day...I just never posted it anywhere ^^; Couldn't bring myself to.

So it is really thrilling to be able to partake in it this year, and to see all the amazing works, animations, music tracks and even games, and be apart of all the epicness coming! I've been seeing a few posts already of WIPs from animators and musicians, and things are looking pretty darn cool already o.o

SO, What do I have planned? Well...


....Like a lot ._.

  • 2 Animations: Soooo I managed to work on one earlier in the year, but I sadly used copyrighted music...that can't be removed, because the lyrics play in the video and feed into the overall theme of the whole thing. I still plan to post it over on my YouTube, and will leave a link here somewhere ^-^ The new one that I started working on last month has royalty-free music, and I have even run it through a copyright checker thing XD I am just hoping it will be alright to use, we shall see!
  • 3-ish Artworks: I mean...anyone who has seen my profile knows I regularly post Madness Fan Art XD One is specifically for Madness Day - it is a redraw of that mentioned piece from 2022, and I spent a while working on it. The other ones, I think I'll post around Madness Day - these are just pieces I am really proud of ^-^
  • A Fan Fic...Thing: This one...Geez, this one I'd like advice on. I have a short story (that is not short XD) that I wrote and edited...and actually formatted into the style of a novel. It includes a cover, images on each page, all fancy and everything. So I am trying to decided where and how to post it. An idea I considered was making a .pdf version of it available on my Ko-Fi for free, with the option to donate if you like the story enough, but I dunno if people would be interested? Lemme know, or if you have other suggestions for it :D

And...yeah, that's about it for now XD I may do a Mid-September Update, unlike last month, to confirm when and where certain posts are coming out.

Are you participating in Madness Day? Whatchu doing for it? ^-^ Lemme know!



Posted by StitchMiss - August 5th, 2024

Finally got around to setting up an account on here XD Told myself I'd do it when I set up my other socials...never happened, got distracted, ended up making more art when I already have too much of it to post.

Here I am now.

But glad to be here! Excited to post a bunch of my favorite arties on here, ranging from original to fan art, animated to digital to sketched. Maybe even some of my sculpted or stitched-together pieces. While also supporting some of my favorite artists, while finding new ones along the way :D

Some interesting facts about my works:

  • I draw with a mouse and keyboard (RIP wireless mouse, this wired one has been a nightmare to work with in recent weeks x_x)
  • I animate with Windows Movie Maker...it is a painfully slow process, but I've made it work
  • For years, I used Paint XP to draw with. I have thankfully upgraded to GIMP now, but am well versed in how to use Adobe CS
  • My cat usually sits on me when I'm working. This is why she is often seen in any of my logos/with my personas...because she is the true mastermind at work here o_o
  • I will probably end up posting a LOT of Madness fan art, because I've been having a lot of fun with it as of late XD It's a fandom that gave me the chance to practice more action poses, gore and background work (which I all struggled with for a while).

So yeah :) Brief introduction.

Hope to post an update of some kind once a month on what new art I am working on and what I hope to post that month.

Will try and keep on top of posting, but as I've said on my other socials...that is not something I can promise XD

